
Love and Embarrassment


There are emotions that are first experienced when you become a parent. Unconditional love is the main one that comes to mind.  It’s difficult to grasp the true meaning of ‘there is no love like a mother’s love’ until you become a mother.


Another emotion often felt with parenting is embarrassment, and we’ve all been there with the screaming, unruly child acting out in public. When it first happens to you, it’s hard not to feel overcome with embarrassment.  You feel eyes watching you. You feel judgement.  But as time goes on, I think a mother learns and understands there isn’t one other mother who hasn’t been there; who hasn’t felt that embarrassment due to her child’s poor behavior.  And sadly, we’ve probably caught ourselves glaring at that mother with the unruly child.  Knowing how hard parenting truly is, we must try not to judge one another.


So, the next time you begin to feel embarrassment at your child’s “childlike” behavior, try to stop and remember you’re not alone.  And maybe even more importantly, the next time you are witness to another mother in such a moment, make the effort to give her a nod, a smile or even drop a line, ‘I’ve been there!’ to let her know she’s not alone.


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From my initial phone calling asking questions before I showed up.. to the excellent service by every person working .. I could not express how grateful I am to have found this place. I have told all my friends with kids about this place and have saved this contact in my phone in case needed in the future. Exceptional cleanliness, most friendly staff. Totally made my 2.5 old feel comfortable in a doctor office setting which is usually scary. Thank you!


– Jackie at After Hours Pediatrics, Lake Worth


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