
Everything is Relative


“Everything is relative”, they always say. And this rings truer with raising my children than with anything else in my life. Case in point:


2011: My first child is born. I can’t find time to brush my teeth till 2pm. I can’t get through the day without a nap. (And with just one newborn child, there’s plenty of time for it!) When my newborn cries for a bottle, I feel restless inside, like I can’t get a bottle made and to his lips quickly enough. I can’t get out the door on time, because inevitably, he has a diaper blowout as soon as I put him in the car seat. And the list goes on.


Cut to 2017: My third child is born. When my baby cries for her bottle, I tend to her needs as quickly as possible – which is now relative with two other children also pleading me for something.  In this round of the newborn phase, the screaming I heard in 2011 now registers in my ears as a precious little cry. The agony of waking for night feedings in 2011 now sounds only like a silent household — music to my ears. I am able to enjoy the newborn phase so much more the third time around because I know that soon, my baby will be a toddler – and oh, what fun that brings!!

Today is the first day of the school year. My teeth were brushed and makeup on before 7am. Because of Murphy’s Law, my husband’s car broke last night, which meant five people had to get to where they were going by 8am.  And we managed!


Because everything is relative!


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Be Social

From my initial phone calling asking questions before I showed up.. to the excellent service by every person working .. I could not express how grateful I am to have found this place. I have told all my friends with kids about this place and have saved this contact in my phone in case needed in the future. Exceptional cleanliness, most friendly staff. Totally made my 2.5 old feel comfortable in a doctor office setting which is usually scary. Thank you!


– Jackie at After Hours Pediatrics, Lake Worth


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